Plans call for first-generation fusion reactors to use a mixture of deuterium and tritium heavy types of hydrogen.
The U-236 nucleus then rapidly breaks apart into two smaller nuclei (in this case, Ba-141 and Kr-92) along with several neutrons (usually two or three), and releases a very large amount of energy. The amount of energy produced from fusion is very large four times as much as nuclear fission reactions and fusion reactions can be the basis of future fusion power reactors. Nuclear power plants are designed in such a way that they cannot form a supercritical mass of fissionable material and therefore cannot create a nuclear explosion. All of the energy we produce comes from basic chemical and physical processes.That’s mostly been accomplished throughout history by burning carbon-based mate. 1: When a slow neutron hits a fissionable U-235 nucleus, it is absorbed and forms an unstable U-236 nucleus.